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Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel

Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Creado: 2018-12-31 / Modificado: 2019-04-27
Sieve Set, set of 9, stainless steel
Country of origin:

Sieve set, set of 9

-Materials: stainless steel

-Mesh Size of sieve: 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 250

-supply with cover and base