This fun activity emphasizes experimental observation and scientific reasoning skills. The kit is to identify 5 unknown in the common kitchen chemicals, using simple chemical and physical tests to observe how they react. Students first explore some physical and chemical properties of several common kitchen substances (five materials). Then, they determine some properties by using three liquid indicators. After determining the physical and chemical properties. On the basis of observations, each of the five white household substances is identified. This kit is complete for 50 students.
Kit Include
1 Teacher’s Guide with MSDS
50 Student Worksheets with Guides
12 Reaction Plate (pp)
100 Disposable dropper
1 Alka-Seltzer
1 Washing soda
1 Chalk
1 Baking soda
1 Juice
1 Bottles of Indicator A
1 Bottles of Indicator B
1 Vial of “Unknown” 1
1 Vial of “Unknown” 2
1 Vial of “Unknown” 3
1 Vial of “Unknown” 4
1 Vial of “Unknown” 5